Tag Archives: Broad Beans

Freshly picked broad beans from the garden make a cracking lunch

Love this time of year when broad beans really start to come into their own. Has to be one of my favourite ingredients to make lunch from. The following serves two.

Toast some sourdough, lightly boil beans, tear Buffalo Mozzarella, couple of slices of Serrano Ham, chop half a chilli, one clove of garlic & a medium bunch of mint, squeeze half a lime, add 10 table spoons olive oil, salt and pepper to take care of the dressing. Assemble lunch as follows; toasted sourdough first as your base with ham, then mozzarella, beans, dressing and then add some home grown fried purple sage leaves as a tasty crunchy final touch,  eh voila, summer on a plate!

Lovely fresh broad beans straight from the veg plot here at Vernons

Should just about do lunch

Always looks a lot less after shelling!

Chilli, Garlic, Lime, Mint, Olive Oil, Salt & Pepper = top salad dressing

Sage crisps – lovely crunchy addition to a salad

The finished article!

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Posted by on June 23, 2012 in Out and about


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Summer Bounty despite the weather

What a year weather wise, mild winter leading to serious drought followed by torrential Biblical rain, gale force winds and the odd spell of sunshine. Despite all that Mother Nature has thrown at us so far, we seem to be doing ok Veg wise in the following:

Lettuce, Spinach, Coriander, Rocket, Broad Beans, Onions, Rhubarb, Garlic and Lavender are also behaving well.




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Posted by on June 22, 2012 in Out and about


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