
vernonsgoodlife is a grow your own guide and seasonal diary of our efforts to make the most of our plot at home at Vernons Farmhouse in the green and pleasant North Essex countryside. We grow vegetables, herbs, flowers and soft fruit for the kitchen table, and try to save on supermarket trips. The guide includes hints and tips we’ve picked up along the way from far and wide and some photos wherever possible.

We started this blog as our youngest son was about to hit the world and then his brother also came along. Well intended but massively over ambitious plans were kicked into touch as we realised how hard it was to keep up with the veg plot and our two young boys. Little by little we’ve managed to claw some time back and made some other additions including a new poly tunnel. Like the arrival of new spring, opportunities are gradually opening up and whilst ambitions have been turned down slightly, we are now back up and running.

We hope you enjoy our blog and feel inspired to grow your own.



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