Monthly Archives: December 2012

Who’s in charge?

This made me smile!

Ziggy and Herbie in their element patrolling ‘their patch’.

Very happy cat's patrolling their garden

Very happy cats patrolling their garden

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Posted by on December 31, 2012 in Out and about


Summer at Vernons to brighten the December gloom feeling!

It’s wet, windy, grey and seriously miserable outside (again) so don’t know about you but I need a pick me up. Going back through some of my summer photos at Vernons has put a smile back on my face and given me something to look forward to in 2013!

Boy do I love living here!

Boy do I love living here!

The Veg Plot in it's summer glory

The Veg Plot in it’s summer glory

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

I have no idea what flower this is but I like it!

I have no idea what flower this is but I like it!

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Posted by on December 31, 2012 in Out and about



Vernons Orchard in 2012

Wanted to record our little Orchard of two apple, pear and a plum tree starting its magical journey in 2012. The Lord Lambourne Apple in particular is looking healthy and strong although the Plum is looking weary and the Pears will need careful watching in 2013. The chicken wire surrounds seem to have held off the rabbits for now and we did manage to salvage some companion planted garlic. Think we may plant some daffodils around the trees next year. So blessed to have the space to grow our own fruit, very excited about the future!

Our little Orchard of two apple, two pear and a plum tree in year one, 2012

Our little Orchard of two apple, two pear and a plum tree in year one, 2012

Apple in rude health, Charles Ross

Apple in rude health, Charles Ross

Our little Orchard of two apple, two pear and a plum tree in year one, 2012

Our little Orchard of two apple, two pear and a plum tree in year one, 2012

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Posted by on December 31, 2012 in Out and about


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Happy New Year from Vernons Goodlife

It’s New Year’s Eve 2012 so a great time to take stock, particularly as outside the wind has picked up and the never ending rain lashes against the study window. What will 2013 bring? Will we ever have a summer again, will flooding now be the norm, can the country ever pick itself up again following the HUGE 2012 year of partying to a Royal Wedding, Queen’s Jubilee, Olympics and Paralympics. The magic of Spring never fails to revitalise the senses, I have no fear, rock on 2013. Mother Nature release the Goddess of Spring from your warm embrace and let us start all over again!

Happy New Year everyone!


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Posted by on December 31, 2012 in Out and about