Monthly Archives: July 2012

Growing from seed indoors

There is something incredibly gratifying growing plants from seed. Besides the costs savings, it’s fun seeing nature work its magic. We’ve done quite well this year growing Echinacea and chilli plants (see below). Fingers crossed that they will thrive outdoors when big enough to plant out!

This Stewart heated propagator has really helped bring Echinacea, Arnica (pictured) and Chilli Plants on

Echinacea big enough now to plant out. All grown in the Stewart heated propagator from seed

Chilli Plants Grown from Seed, little bit longer before hardening off and planting outside in pots


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Posted by on July 14, 2012 in The Herb Garden


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Onion & shallot harvest time

Some of our onions and shallots are now ripe for harvest. They are ready when the long stems appear to be drooping towards the ground. Stage one is to dry them for several days before platting. See below photo of drying, will take folks through the platting stage once the onions and shallots dry!

Onions out to dry

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Posted by on July 14, 2012 in The Vegetable Plot


Fairy Ring Champignon anyone?

Our ring of mushrooms is back again in the field. Have dipped into the excellent River Cottage Mushrooms Handbook No 1 by John Wright to reference. Am fairly certain they are Fairy Ring Champignon (Marasmius oreades) which my trusty books tells me we can cook to eat or pickle the caps in oil. Readers of the blog won’t be surprised to hear that I’ll give the pickling ago. Watch this space!

p.s. John’s book also says beware of the Fool’s Funnel which grows in similar habitats, but it has a frosted cake like bloom on the cap.

Fairy Ring Champignon in tell tale ring pattern?

Fairy Ring Champignon up close and personal?



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Posted by on July 14, 2012 in Foraging



Wet weather damage

The continuing downpour is killing our lovely lavender, any tips on how to best practically protect them, gratefully received!

Rain stops play

This year’s wet weather has really damaged our vegetable bed border lavender

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Posted by on July 14, 2012 in The Vegetable Plot



Ant infestation

Mowed the lawn yesterday which uncovered about half a dozen small ant nests or sites (see below) – I wonder if the wet weather has anything to do with the sudden rise of the ant. I’ll do some internet digging but if anyone else out there knows, let me know…

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Posted by on July 14, 2012 in Pest Control


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